How to Develop a Sustainable Long-Term Fitness Routine

Does your typical fitness program look like this after a break from exercise? Day 1: Try to run as far and as fast as I can Day 2: Go to the gym, lift ALL the weights Day 3: Take a break to recover a bit Day 4: Back at the gym, ignore sore muscles Day […]
The Role of Fiber in a Healthy Diet

We can all agree that your diet is an essential part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Improper nutrition negatively affects your overall health, and working out is significantly more challenging without the right nutritional balance. It’s easy to focus on protein, carbohydrate, and fat intake when you think of the building blocks of a diet […]
How to Stay Active During Winter Months

Do you find it hard to remain active during winter? If so, you’re not alone. According to the National Parks and Recreation Association, around 86% of adults say their activity level drops when the winter rolls around. The winter months bring unique challenges to achieving your fitness goals, like colder temperatures, shorter days, and inclement […]
How to Manage Cravings and Stay on Track With Your Fitness Goals

Let’s face the facts — food cravings are an unavoidable part of life. It’s a given that you’ll run into those moments where all you want is a cheeseburger with fries from your local burger joint, a massive slice of chocolate cake, or an entire large pizza. And guess what? It’s okay to give into […]
How to Balance Fitness and Nutrition During the Holidays

There’s one thing we could all use more of during the holidays — balance. Shopping for presents, cooking indulgent meals (especially desserts), and spending time with family are essential to the holiday season. When you pile work on top of that, your time disappears in the blink of an eye. With the holidays approaching, it’s […]
The Risks Associated With A Sedentary Lifestyle

Most of us spend a lot of our day sitting down — either at home or at work. According to a recent American Heart Association (AHA) study, 80% of American workers sit for their jobs. This increase in sedentary time can have significant consequences if you’re not careful, including a higher risk of chronic diseases […]
What to Expect After Your First Workout?

It’s no secret that regular physical activity is necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Positive effects of working out include fewer health risks leading to chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes, better weight management, and an improved mood with less anxiety. These benefits are all fantastic reasons to make exercise a habit. […]
How to Maintain Your Fitness Routine While Traveling

Hitting the gym isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when planning a vacation. Is it? After all, the whole point of getting out of town and exploring a different part of the country or world is to let your hair down, experience something different, and treat yourself to something indulgent. But once the […]
Tips for Overcoming Plateaus in Your Fitness Journey

We can all agree that the worst part of making progress is when it slows down. Whether we’re trying to lose five pounds, increase the weight we can lift, or run a mile a bit faster, workout plateaus are a real bummer. There’s good news, though! Your gym plateau won’t last forever. Staying consistent and […]
Why Consistency Is Key in Achieving Fitness Goals

“Consistency is key” is a phrase we hear repeatedly regarding exercise. But why is it so important? Won’t exercise here and there still yield results? The answer to the latter question is yes — but also no. Yes, you may see marginal changes if you exercise for a few weeks, take a month off, and […]