Workout of the Week: Burn It To Earn It!

“You gotta move it to lose it!”

Sound familiar? If you could get in shape just by doing nothing then, well, we would all have the sculpted bodies we’ve dreamed of.

It may sound like life would be so much easier if we could build muscle by sitting on the couch, but then you wouldn’t have to work for it!

You wouldn’t be able to wake up in the morning with the drive to achieve your fitness goals. You wouldn’t feel that flood of endorphins when you finish an intense work out. And you’d miss out on the sense of accomplishment when you look in the mirror knowing you worked hard for that bod!

The best things in life are the things you have to put effort into it. So get up, put your work out gear on, and let’s start this 15 minute, fat burning exercise!

Fitbody Bootcamp

Warm Up

Full Body Extension

Sprint in Place

Forward Prisoner Lunge

Narrow Push Up


Time: 4 minutes

Repeat: 2x

Transition Time: 40 seconds

Time at End of Warm Up: 4:40


Suspension Station

Primary Movement: Triceps Extension

Secondary Movement: Push Up + 5

Plank Jacks


Time: 3 minutes

Repeat: 3x

Transition Time: 30 seconds

Time at End of Station: 8:10


Rope Station

Primary Movement: Alt. Arm Ripple + Squat

Secondary Movement: Forward Prisoner Lunge


Time: 3 minutes

Repeat: 3x

Transition Time: 30 seconds

Time at End of Station: 11:40


Plyo Station

Primary Movement: Triceps Dips

Secondary Movement: Reverse Plank + Alt. Leg Lift


Time: 3 minutes

Repeat: 3x

Transition Time: 30 seconds

Time at End of Station: 15:10

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Real People With Real Results

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