Sweat, Sweat, and More Sweat
The saltiness that stings your eyes, the stickiness of your clothes as it clings to your skin, and the hair…oh god, the hair.
That’s right, we’re talking about sweat. I don’t know about you, but I hate being sweaty.
By the time I’m done working out, I feel like I’m in that scene of Flashdance when Alex dumps the bucket of water on her.
Except I don’t look quite as awesome, but you get my point.
This first week of boot camp had me sweating like a sinner in church. Something I haven’t been used to in a while because, well, “regular exercise” has been out of my vocabulary for months.
Now that we’ve covered how sweaty I get (I hope you aren’t eating while reading this) let’s get into the boot camp sessions.
Boot Camp Kicked My Booty
“It will all be worth it in the end!”
This is the mantra I tell myself as I push through those burpees and battle ropes.
If I could sum up my week in three words, it would be this: lots of pain.
There were moments where I truly thought I was going to pass out or throw up…or both.
I expected the exercises to be tough, but I was not prepared for just how intense they would be.
I could feel the burn in places I never even knew were there!
It also doesn’t help that I’m an extremely uncoordinated person, which means I spent a lot of the time tripping and falling over trying to find my balance.
If this were high school, I would’ve been voted class clown right then and there.
Luckily, my amazing trainers and fellow boot campers were there to show me the proper form so that I didn’t totally embarrass myself.
The crazy thing is, no matter how much pain I was feeling or how much I wanted to quit, the feeling I got once I finished is unlike any other.
I feel so accomplished after every session – every day is like taking one step closer to my goals.
Speaking of steps, I could barely take one without feeling like my legs were going to crumble beneath me.
No Pain No Gain, Right?
Being sore isn’t fun, but it does make you feel like you’re working your ass off!
The soreness I experienced my first week was no joke. I’ve seen 80 year olds get out of bed faster than I could.
I feared sneezing because my abs would hurt. Stairs became my number one enemy. And dropping anything on the floor was game over (luckily, I’ve mastered picking things up with my toes).
To speed up recovery, I stocked up on protein rich foods, drank lots of water, and took it easy on rest days.
Sure enough, it worked! By the fourth day I was almost fully recovered and ready to hit the battle ropes.
The first week I only went 3 days, and I realize now that 3 days isn’t going to be enough to get the results I’m looking for.
So from now on, I’m bumping it up to 4-5! I’m on a mission to get some guns and booty goals, so it’s time to woman up and commit!
Stay tuned next week for second week updates plus meal planning! If you missed my first blog post, click here!
Your friendly content writer,