Most of you don’t know me, but you read a lot of the words I write.
I’m like a ghost in the shadows, but with a lap top and a comfy office chair.
Or, I’m just your friendly neighborhood content writer who works at the Fit Body Boot Camp HQ.
My Humble Beginnings
My name is Michaelle (a.k.a Mica), and frankly, I’m no guru when it comes to fitness and health.
Growing up, I was the fat kid with frizzy hair and zero confidence. A combination of bad genes and unhealthy eating habits caused me to be a whopping 130 pounds by age 11.
(I can still smell the 3 PB + J sandwiches I would eat as an after school snack.)
And things didn’t get any better once I reached the teens.
High school can be enough of a nightmare on it’s own, but walking around at 190 pounds with pimples on my face and terrible fashion sense put a huge target on my back for bullying.
Let’s just say, I was never anyone’s #womancrushwednesday.
It wasn’t until I turned 21 years old that I finally decided to lose weight. I wish I could say I latched onto healthy eating and exercise right then and there, but that’s not the case.
Yoyo dieting, starving, and binging on unhealthy food became my lifestyle. Sure, I went from 190 to 140 pounds in the span of a year, but I did it in all the wrong ways.
My Mission: From Flab to Fab
Now, at 24 years old and 128 pounds, I’m finally in a healthier relationship with food.
While my diet doesn’t consist of pizza and fries on a daily basis anymore, I still have a lot to learn about eating the right foods that are going to burn fat and build muscle.
Even though I lost a lot of weight, I still feel like a squishy, flabby blob.
“Well, are you working out?”
I do work out!
As I get older, I realize how serious it is for me to get in shape now while I still have the time and energy.
Which is why I’m doing this 30 DAY FIT BODY BOOT CAMP CHALLENGE!!
I started working at the HQ about 6 months ago, and I’ve shamefully never worked out in a Fit Body Boot Camp…until now.
I invite you to follow me on my journey as I take you through an in depth, REAL look at my transformation, and the emotions that come with it.
No filters, no faking…yes, there will be lots of sweating, swearing, and possibly tears.
My goal isn’t so much to focus on the scale, but more on building my self confidence, mental health, and toning some of the squish.
I’ll be posting an update every week here on this blog until February, and stay tuned for a full video next month so you can see my transformation in action!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Content Writer,