Want to score an amazing 3-for-1 deal?
Here is a 3 minute/1 minute workout for ya. You’ll give it your all for 3 minutes, then rest for 1.
Today’s area of focus? Shoulders!
The exercises in this workout are not all that difficult. However, they do require a bit of endurance. There’s no need to rush; go slow and focus on your form…the beautiful new “you” will begin to shine in no time!
So without further ado, here’s today’s workout.
Warm Up
Donkey Kicks (x2)
Time: 3 minutes
Repeat: 2x
Transition Time: 30 seconds
Time at End of Warm Up: 3:30
Station #1
10 Push Ups
20 Shoulder Taps (10 Per Shoulder)
30 Bus Drivers – Hold a dumbbell, weight plate, or heavy object straight out in front of you. Make sure one hand is gripping at 12:00 (top) and the other at 6:00 (bottom). Turn the object 180º, similar to how you would turn the wheel while driving a bus. Keep your arms locked straight out as you do this.
40 Quick Feet
Time: 3 minutes (3x)
Repeat: 3x
Transition Time: 1 minute
Time at End of Workout: 15:30
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