Beware of Pumpkin Spice Season
Doesn’t it seem like every year Starbucks–the official marker of the season–brings out the pumpkin spice latte a little earlier than the year before. When you realize that revenue on pumpkin spice lattes alone earned up to $80 million during the season, it’s no wonder they pushed the release date into the summer this year.
Yup, pumpkin spice lattes are back! And now in addition to buying a drink at your local Starbucks, you can buy the premade iced coffee at Target. But you’ll beware of the PSL when you become aware of what it is you are really drinking.
Pumpkin spice lattes are filled with added processed sugar and no dietary fiber. So much so that in a grande serving you will meet the maximum amount of sugar recommended by the Federal Drug Administration for the entire day.
Additionally, pumpkins in the natural state are packed with healthy amounts of dietary fiber. Pumpkin spice lattes, however, have zero grams of fiber due to the fact the pumpkin taste comes from a manufactured flavored sauce.
And what about carbs, you ask? Well, the average serving size of a pumpkin spice latte is equal to a cup sized serving of pasta. That’s right! There are around 52 grams of carbohydrates per 16 oz. serving. Therefore, if you’re on keto or just trying to be conscious about the number of carbs you are consuming, be aware that this might not be the right drink for you.
Here’s something in favor of pumpkin spice lattes. They have a decent serving of protein. A grande size pumpkin spice latte contains 14 grams of protein, which according is around 28% of your daily value. On average a person should aim to get between 46 to 56 grams of protein a day, so 14 grams is decent, but far from the goal. Funnily enough, the protein is likely coming from the milk, which basically makes it no different than any other latte beverage.
So what are you to do? You’re craving a pumpkin spice latte, but with the added sugar, lack of fiber and amount of carbohydrates in a serving, you know it’s not the best option. Instead try a pumpkin spice protein shake–like this one by Real Healthy Recipes.
This recipe has no added processed sugar and uses real pumpkins to add flavor and 7 grams of dietary fiber. Best of all since it is a protein shake you’ll have 29 grams of protein compared to the 14 grams from a pumpkin spice latte.
If you want to try this recipe, be sure to choose a high quality protein powder to add to your mixture. The protein should have a great taste with no added sugar. TruLean’s website has some healthy options that would pair perfectly with your pumpkin spice protein shake.
Try TruLean’s Whey Isolate Protein and TruLean’s Vegan Plant Based Protein. With only pure Monk Fruit Extract and Stevia Leaf Extract, there is no sugar added. Additionally there is a vegan option for anyone who needs to stay clear of dairy.
Next time you’re thinking about taking a quick detour before work to grab a pumpkin spice latte, think about it. Do you really want to start off your day with a sugar high? And consuming as many carbs as a cup of pasta before breakfast may not be in your favor.
So why not save some money and make the healthier decision to try a pumpkin spice protein shake. And if you need help finding a great protein powder to add in, try TruLean’s Whey Isolate Protein or TruLean’s Vegan Plan Based Protein. With that option, I say let Pumpkin Spice season begin!