Before he became a well-respected nutrition coach, Jason Phillips struggled with body image and anorexia. In this episode, Jason recounts that battle and explains why you don’t need extreme measures to live and feel your best. He also discusses why you have more freedom to eat carbs and fats than you think. Watch or listen now to learn a few practical ways you can slowly change your lifestyle—and get others on board with you in the process.
“What goes into body transformation is, ‘What are you doing the 23 hours you’re not at the gym?'” – Jason Phillips
Here’s what you’ll discover:
4:00 – How 4000 calories in one day helped Jason overcome anorexia.
9:48 – Why you don’t need extreme diets or workout plans to optimize your body.
11:53 – How to manipulate your diet to match your day-to-day needs.
13:16 – Why the best way to measure your fitness progress is biofeedback.
21:57 – How to ease yourself into macro nutrition.