How To Beat Quarantine Fatigue
It’s a new world indeed. The term “social distance” is being submitted for trademarking to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. And the isolation of social distancing is taking a huge toll on the welfare of many.
What Causes Quarantine Fatigue?
A senior psychologist in New York stated that the pandemic is causing people to lose the ability to hit their optimal level of stimulation. Social distancing is causing individuals to become understimulated and is lowering motivation. At the same time they are being overstimulated by the media causing an inability to focus. This is what they are calling “quarantine fatigue”.
We know that it’s real and we know that we’re better than this. So how do we beat quarantine fatigue?
- Exercise, Eat Well and Sleep
The best thing you can do for yourself right now is to recharge through sleep, exercise and a healthy diet. Studies show that proper nutrition, exercising for at least 30 minutes a day and getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night can have major effects on our mood, mental health, immune system and can help to improve our memory and concentration.
Of course when you’re overstimulated and understimulated, you may find that your energy level and motivation to workout is gone.
2. Caffeinate The Right Way
To combat this many will reach for a caffeinated beverage. But most energy drinks and coffee shop lattes have hidden sugars and added preservatives. So be sure to pick something that has natural caffeine, no added sugar and won’t cause side effects of stimulation.
TruLean’s Everyday Energy has just that. Each serving is packed with 125 mg of all natural caffeine and delivers a smooth calm focus without any jitters and is crafted with a powerful blend of nootropics to help you stay alert without the harmful caffeine crash.
When you focus on sleep, exercise and a healthy diet, then it’ll be easier for you to avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms. Alcohol purchases have gone up since COVID-19 hit and quarantine was enforced. There is significant concern that in quarantine individuals are turning to alcohol to manage their mood. People are turning to food to ease their frustration and fears.
Fast food chains, knowing this, have monopolized the media with advertisements for a free second bacon burger or 50% off fried tacos. But studies have shown that when you focus on recharging with the sleep, exercise and a clean diet, you’re less likely to lean on things that harm you.
3. Reach Out To Others
Finally, the easiest and most impactful thing to do right now, reach out to others. While physical distancing is still in place in most states, we don’t need to be socially distant. Center for Psychodynamic Therapy and Research at Mass General Director Robert Waldinger, MD, reported a 75-year-long study on happiness that showed one of the biggest predictors of an individual’s happiness and health is in the quality of his or her relationships.
So why not use this time to reach out to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, make family dinner an event and invest in the relationships around you.
Quarantine fatigue is another harsh new reality, but we can work on strengthening ourselves to not let it defeat us. We can beat quarantine fatigue. Be sure to focus on recharging through exercise, sleep and a healthy diet. And like a stack of dominoes, we know that when your workout goes out the window so does your nutrition and your sleep.
So try TruLean’s Everyday Energy to give you the boost of motivation, energy and focus you need to thrive. And when you are thriving you’ll find it easier to avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms. Most importantly, remember that you’re not in this alone. So reach out to someone today.