Which is better: a movie by yourself or a movie with friends?
Doing stuff with your friends just makes life a lot more fun. Why should boot camp be any different?
It doesn’t have to be. Even if you enjoy going to boot camp alone, working out with friends can make your experience even better.
Here are 3 reasons why you should bring a friend to your next boot camp session.
You’ll Feel Comfortable
Being the new guy or girl isn’t always easy. However, when you have a friend by your side, it makes it much easier because you don’t feel alone.
A friend can inspire you to give your all during workouts. You feel connected to each other because you can relate to what your both going through.
At Fit Body, you don’t feel “gymtimidation.” Our members and coaches embody our culture, which is to make fitness both fun and productive.
You Could Get Rewarded
If you’re already a member at one of our boot camps, you might be able to score some perks if you refer your friends.
As a franchise, we encourage our members to bring out their friends. No matter how big we get, we still want our boot camps to remain tight-knit communities. That’s much easier to do when you bring out your friends, because the people that fit best are usually those you know, trust, and have similar fitness goals to yours.
Ask your Fit Body Boot Camp whether they offer any incentives for referrals.
You’ll Change Lives
What’s the ultimate goal for people that come out to boot camp? They want to lead healthier lives, of course! So when you bring a friend along with you, you’re introducing them to a proven fitness model—a model that delivers results to hundreds of thousands of people every day.
That’s one of the most loving things you can do for them. Once they feel healthy, the rest of their life will improve dramatically.
So are you ready to bring change? Click here and share this page with your friends so they can claim their 3 free workouts!