About Our Personal Training Center In Yorktown Heights, NY

About Fit Body Boot Camp Yorktown Heights, NY

We Are America’s Favorite 30-Minute Fat Loss Fitness Boot Camp

We are Fit Body Boot Camp: the popular international personal training center franchise. We specialize in 30-minute weight loss boot camps that challenge the body and deliver results in a positive, supportive atmosphere.


Our Mission

Inspiring Fitness & Changing Lives Every Day

At Fit Body Boot Camp, our fitness classes are not “classes” in the traditional sense, but results-driven, high-energy sessions focused on weight loss & body toning. At its core, we deliver personal training in a group setting.

fit body boot camp man smiling

About Our Franchise Owner: Darren Brody

Hello! My name is Darren Brody. Fitness has been a passion of mine since I was a child. I was a very overweight child, growing up at a time when bullying wasn’t perceived as horribly as it really is. Needless to say I had a rough time in elementary school. However, one day in the fourth grade, my gym teacher pulled me aside and said he wanted to help me. He told me that if I joined pee wee wrestling he’d show me how to get in shape through proper diet and exercise. This was the start of a lifelong journey for me. I lost most of my childhood weight during that wrestling season and never looked back. That’s not to say I haven’t had any challenges with my weight over the years, but I always realized how important diet and exercise are to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The following year, my parents moved to a different school district, so no one knew the old me. It was as if I had a new lease on life. I met new friends and began to feel comfortable with where I was at. Then, I realized I was putting some weight back on, so in the sixth grade I signed up for tackle football. My history and knowledge of diet and exercise helped me excel in that sport throughout middle and high school. When my football career ended, I knew I had to keep doing something competitive, so I took up bodybuilding in college. This was a lot of fun and helped me learn a lot about discipline, diet, fitness, and human anatomy. After college, I entered the business world. That’s when reality set in: I no longer had the time, and didn’t see the value, in dedicating time to bodybuilding. Still, that didn’t mean I was willing to let my health go. I continued to adhere to a regimen of working out and watching what I ate. Over the years my passion for fitness has grown exponentially, and I have helped many people overcome their weight loss challenges. It has always been a dream of mine to use this passion to help people lead healthier lives. That’s why I decided to embark on this journey with Fit Body Boot Camp.

woman working out at fit body boot camp
woman working out at fit body boot camp

The following year, my parents moved to a different school district, so no one knew the old me. It was as if I had a new lease on life. I met new friends and began to feel comfortable with where I was at. Then, I realized I was putting some weight back on, so in the sixth grade I signed up for tackle football. My history and knowledge of diet and exercise helped me excel in that sport throughout middle and high school. When my football career ended, I knew I had to keep doing something competitive, so I took up bodybuilding in college. This was a lot of fun and helped me learn a lot about discipline, diet, fitness, and human anatomy. After college, I entered the business world. That’s when reality set in: I no longer had the time, and didn’t see the value, in dedicating time to bodybuilding. Still, that didn’t mean I was willing to let my health go. I continued to adhere to a regimen of working out and watching what I ate. Over the years my passion for fitness has grown exponentially, and I have helped many people overcome their weight loss challenges. It has always been a dream of mine to use this passion to help people lead healthier lives. That’s why I decided to embark on this journey with Fit Body Boot Camp.

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