About Our Personal Training Center In Sioux Falls, SD

About Fit Body Boot Camp Sioux Falls, SD

We Are America’s Favorite 30-Minute Fat Loss Fitness Boot Camp

We are Fit Body Boot Camp: the popular international personal training center franchise. We specialize in 30-minute weight loss boot camps that challenge the body and deliver results in a positive, supportive atmosphere.


Our Mission

Inspiring Fitness & Changing Lives Every Day

At Fit Body Boot Camp, our fitness classes are not “classes” in the traditional sense, but results-driven, high-energy sessions focused on weight loss & body toning. At its core, we deliver personal training in a group setting.

CJ Wehrkamp profile picture for fit body boot camp

About Our Franchise Owner: CJ Wehrkamp

Hello, my name is CJ Wehrkamp, I am a certified personal trainer and nutrition consultant. I am very passionate about the fitness industry and helping others reach their goals. I attended The National Personal Training Institute to get a full hands-on approach to training and how the human body reacts to the workouts we put it through. I understand that getting the body you want and reaching the goals you desire doesn’t come easy to all of us, actually that it doesn’t come easy to most of us. I have lived in Sioux Falls, SD my whole life and have been in the gym setting since sophomore year in high school. It was about then when I realized that I wasn’t the most in shape kid in class and wanted to feel better about the way I looked and felt. So I started to wake up early before school and go to the gym.

CJ Wehrkamp profile picture for fit body boot camp

About Our Franchise Owner: CJ Wehrkamp

Hello, my name is CJ Wehrkamp, I am a certified personal trainer and nutrition consultant. I am very passionate about the fitness industry and helping others reach their goals. I attended The National Personal Training Institute to get a full hands-on approach to training and how the human body reacts to the workouts we put it through. I understand that getting the body you want and reaching the goals you desire doesn’t come easy to all of us, actually that it doesn’t come easy to most of us. I have lived in Sioux Falls, SD my whole life and have been in the gym setting since sophomore year in high school. It was about then when I realized that I wasn’t the most in shape kid in class and wanted to feel better about the way I looked and felt. So I started to wake up early before school and go to the gym.

I would do my best at the exercises I thought would build muscles where I wanted them and ran on the treadmill to help burn fat that I didn’t want. To be honest, I really didn’t know what I was doing but hey, I was doing something, right? As graduation came closer and the thought of a career started to be a more common topic, I found myself continually turning to the thought of the gym. How awesome would it be to be able to work in a place where I could help better the lives of others! So that’s what I decided I would do, go to school, become a trainer, and life would be great. I did just that, attended school learning so many things that basically had me in aw, like a man if I would have known that all those mornings going to the gym I’d probably be an Olympian.

women working out at fit body boot camp
women working out at fit body boot camp

I would do my best at the exercises I thought would build muscles where I wanted them and ran on the treadmill to help burn fat that I didn’t want. To be honest, I really didn’t know what I was doing but hey, I was doing something, right? As graduation came closer and the thought of a career started to be a more common topic, I found myself continually turning to the thought of the gym. How awesome would it be to be able to work in a place where I could help better the lives of others! So that’s what I decided I would do, go to school, become a trainer, and life would be great. I did just that, attended school learning so many things that basically had me in aw, like a man if I would have known that all those mornings going to the gym I’d probably be an Olympian.

woman working out at fit body boot camp

I was so excited to have this knowledge of the body and the gym and how I could start helping people win back their health. I quickly found a job as a trainer at one of the local gyms in town. That’s also when I found out that “ life would be great” mindset that I had started to slip away. Life got busy real fast and I found myself leaving the training world to work for a family business in town. I knew deep down that I needed to get back into the fitness world and wanted to help people achieve their goals. That’s when I started digging, trying to figure out how I could get back into it and really make an impact on the people of our community.

I am super pumped to have found this opportunity, Fit Body Boot Camp, and share it with all of you. This is the unstoppable fitness formula that will not only have you reaching your goals but also have you feeling like part of a second family, with my team and I by your side the whole way!

– CJ Wehrkamp

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