About Our Personal Training Center In Cumming, GA

About Fit Body Boot Camp Cumming, GA

We Are America’s Favorite 30-Minute Fat Loss Fitness Boot Camp

We are Fit Body Boot Camp: the popular international personal training center franchise. We specialize in 30-minute weight loss boot camps that challenge the body and deliver results in a positive, supportive atmosphere.


Our Mission

Inspiring Fitness & Changing Lives Every Day

At Fit Body Boot Camp, our fitness classes are not “classes” in the traditional sense, but results-driven, high-energy sessions focused on weight loss & body toning. At its core, we deliver personal training in a group setting.

A family at Fit Body Boot Camp

About Our Franchise Owner: Jeff Birmingham

Jeff and Jessica Birmingham joined the Fit Body Family as clients in March of 2019.

Jessica has battled an autoimmune disease that attacks her muscle for most of her life. Because of it, she was constantly operating in a state of atrophy and severe fatigue. In an effort to find a new way to fight it, they joined Fit Body Boot Camp in Dawsonville and gave it an ALL-OUT shot. The results far exceeded her expectations! Within four months she dropped 13 pounds and lost 25.25 inches, and for the first time in years, she was building muscle and feeling STRONG!

Jeff’s journey began with a different set of challenges. Although a star athlete in high school, as his family and business grew, fitness and health dropped to the bottom of the list of priorities. Coming in to Boot Camp that first time, he didn’t know if he’d be able to complete the 30 minute workout. Because of the support of incredible coaches, his determination, and a wife that was KILLING it beside him, he stuck with it and was soon crushing his sessions. Jeff went from struggling to do a push up to doing 60 to 70 in a single workout! The physical results and weight loss definitely served as motivation as well. Because of their personal health transformations, they have both become huge believers of Fit Body Boot Camp’s effectiveness and fell in love with the Fit Family here in Dawsonville.

In October of 2019, an opportunity presented itself for Jeff and Jessica to step in as the proud owners of Dawsonville Fit Body Boot Camp. While being in the fitness industry at this capacity might not have been in their charted plans, caring for people and seeing lives radically changed absolutely was. When they aren’t giving it their all in the gym, Jeff is running a software company and pastoring a church; Jessica is homeschooling their 3 children and leading their church’s women’s ministry.

fit body boot camp

As owners, their vision is clear. Dawsonville Fit Body Boot Camp is all about the clients and coaches. They are committed to creating a safe, judgment-free environment where people can reach and surpass their health and fitness goals. They are invested whole-heartedly into raising the arms of their coaches knowing personally the vital role they play in each clients’ journey to total body health. To Jeff, Jessica, and the coaches this is not “just a gym.” Every client who walks through the doors of Dawsonville FBBC quickly realizes exactly why they refer to this community as “family.”

No matter where you find yourself on your fitness journey, YOU ARE WELCOME at Dawsonville Fit Body Boot Camp. You will be supported. You will be challenged. You will be encouraged every step of the way to a healthier, stronger you.”

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