About Our Personal Training Center In Frederick, MD

About Fit Body Boot Camp Frederick, MD

We Are America’s Favorite 30-Minute Fat Loss Fitness Boot Camp

We are Fit Body Boot Camp: the popular international personal training center franchise. We specialize in 30-minute weight loss boot camps that challenge the body and deliver results in a positive, supportive atmosphere.


Our Mission

Inspiring Fitness & Changing Lives Every Day

At Fit Body Boot Camp, our fitness classes are not “classes” in the traditional sense, but results-driven, high-energy sessions focused on weight loss & body toning. At its core, we deliver personal training in a group setting.

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About Our Franchise Owner: Tommy Lim

Hi! my name is Tommy Lim. My wife, Nga and I have a passion for helping others, and we love being fit and healthy. Our desire is for everyone we meet to feel the confidence they will get from being healthier and more physically fit. To be able to say that they are happy with the way they look and to feel the difference from what true wealth of health can deliver.

My fitness journey began in my early twenties. I have always enjoyed lifting weights at the gym and becoming strong. I went from being a regular thin Asian young man to being overweight. Keep in mind I was still in the gym almost every day lifting weights. My knowledge of becoming strong and lifting weights in the gym was increasing but I lacked the most important aspect of my fitness journey, and that was how to live a healthy lifestyle.

I ate whatever I wanted, ate a lot of protein and thought that because I was in the gym every day for at least 1-2 hours that I was healthy. Boy was I wrong. I slowly began suffering from massive migraine headaches, I became a pre-diabetic, my cholesterol was completely off the charts (over 500!), I had a fatty liver, suffered acid-reflux disease (GERD), and was insulin resistant. Once I became aware of all of my own health issues I pursued a journey into learning how to eat properly. I learned about what real food was, processed foods and the dangers of certain “foods” that we all grew up eating. I began a Paleolithic diet. My health slowly became better and this confirmed that what you put in your body will manifest itself through symptoms and signs of either good health or bad health. Although my physical check-ups were showing much better results I was still overweight. I couldn’t get my body to burn fat. Until the day I looked at myself in my mid 30’s and said enough is enough. This led me to a much deeper dive into nutrition and healthier eating. Learning the science behind the food we eat and our bodies I learned about the ever crazed ketogenic diet.

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With the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, I learned as much as I could from the “internet”. Within the first few months, my body was burning fat as fuel and the weight was dropping. Even tho my education on the subject wasn’t the best it helped me to do what I wanted and that was to lose body fat. I was still in the gym but what really ramped up the fat burning process was a scientific method of exercising called high-intensity interval training also known as HIIT. Seeing how my body was reacting to this new method of exercise along with this new diet it drove me into a deeper desire to learn more about the human body, nutrition and how food affects the human body. Within 6 strict months, my body had completely changed.

Through higher learning of nutrition and physical exercise, I became certified as a personal fitness trainer by a nationally accredited health and fitness organization called International Sports Science Association (ISSA). I became a certified group fitness Grit-Instructor through a well known international fitness movement called Les Mills that specializes in HIIT, and also a certified Health Coach through an internationally sought health and nutrition expert Dr. Eric Berg.

Seeing how I was able to serve and coach clients to transform their bodies in a healthy way it birthed a new desire to want to do this as a career. This brings me to Fit Body Boot Camp (FBBC). I have been following the Internationally sought Bedros Keuillian as a fitness and life mentor along with others and decided to see what Fit Body Boot Camp was all about. Not only is Fit Body Boot Camp a franchise built from 20 years of experience through very humble and professional expertise, but it also specializes in HIIT. 30-minute workouts that produce the best workout through high-intensity interval training, transforming bodies and shredding fat. Exactly what I have been doing for the past few years! A scientifically-backed method of exercising that burns twice the calories in less time and also builds muscle.

This Unstoppable Fitness Formula is here in Frederick, Maryland. The awesome staff and Coaches of Frederick Fit Body Boot Camp (FBBC) will motivate and push you to be proud of your abilities every time you come! We are so thankful to have the opportunity to do what we love. Our fitness studio is for all fitness levels, and we want every member to feel as though they are a part of our family. We look forward to helping you with your fitness journey.

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