About Our Personal Training Center In Brooklyn, NY

About Fit Body Boot Camp Brooklyn, NY

We Are America’s Favorite 30-Minute Fat Loss Fitness Boot Camp

We are Fit Body Boot Camp: the popular international personal training center franchise. We specialize in 30-minute weight loss boot camps that challenge the body and deliver results in a positive, supportive atmosphere.


Our Mission

Inspiring Fitness & Changing Lives Every Day

At Fit Body Boot Camp, our fitness classes are not “classes” in the traditional sense, but results-driven, high-energy sessions focused on weight loss & body toning. At its core, we deliver personal training in a group setting.

fit body boot camp members

About Our Franchise Owners: Garth Binns & Justin Jones

Hi! My name is Garth Binns. I started training in Martial Arts at the young age of 7 years old. I was drawn to competition early in my training, where I achieved success almost immediately. I competed locally, nationally, and internationally in forms and sparring.

In addition to competing, I wanted to share my experience and knowledge with others. So with the support of my father, George Binns, we opened Binns Academy of Martial Arts in 1989. By 1993, I was ready for expansion and opened a 2nd location, Binns Karate Academy in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. Almost forty years have passed and thousands of students have trained on our mats. I have always emphasized the motto – C.A.N.I – constant and never-ending improvement.

In 2011, I decided to take my expertise to the fitness industry. I wanted to help the thousands of people struggling with physical issues, so I joined the largest Northeastern gym facility as a Customer Service Manager. Now, in 2018, we are excited to bring you Mill Basin Fit Body Boot Camp. We will provide you with all the support you will need in order for you to achieve your fitness goals.

Hi! My name is Justin Jones. I’m a Brooklyn native who started my martial arts journey at the age of 16. I’m a 2nd degree black belt and have won national championships and 2 gold world championships throughout my martial arts career. Now, I’m focusing on life coaching and personal training. I’m a highly energetic instructor when conducting my sessions, and I emphasis consistency, accountability, and full effort to help my clients get maximum results. We are looking forward to helping you on your fitness journey.


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