About Our Personal Training Center In Comstock Park, MI

About Fit Body Boot Camp Comstock Park, MI

We Are America’s Favorite 30-Minute Fat Loss Fitness Boot Camp

We are Fit Body Boot Camp: the popular international personal training center franchise. We specialize in 30-minute weight loss boot camps that challenge the body and deliver results in a positive, supportive atmosphere.


Our Mission

Inspiring Fitness & Changing Lives Every Day

At Fit Body Boot Camp, our fitness classes are not “classes” in the traditional sense, but results-driven, high-energy sessions focused on weight loss & body toning. At its core, we deliver personal training in a group setting.

Alipne couple smiling

About Our Franchise Owners: Rachel & Kevin Brittan

Hello, we are Rachel and Kevin Brittan!

Our fitness journeys look quite a bit different in the start but we both ended with a passion for living healthy lifestyles. Kevin started weight lifting in high school and after continuing to grow in skill and passion for the sport, eventually competed in powerlifting meets throughout college. He was hesitant when hearing about a Boot Camp style workout, but after attending his first session, was quickly convinced that this would be one of the best things he could do for his all around fitness.

Rachel was never huge into exercise outside of occasional sports throughout high school and college. Once living on her by herself and having to make her own choices, she started making all the wrong ones. When she looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize herself she knew it was time to make some significant changes. A nationwide move, and a national shut motivated Rachel to start making nutrition changes that gave her the motivation to get back into a fitness routine. She started to recognize herself again and fell in love with living a healthier lifestyle. It was not long after that she tried Fit Body Boot Camp and in the first workout knew that this was a long-term lifestyle meant for her and Kevin.

We are so thankful to be the owners of Alpine and Hudsonville Fit Body Boot Camp where we get to help people achieve their fitness goals and move toward healthier choices everyday. We have a huge passion for helping others and a strong love for fitness and nutrition. We want everyone in our community to experience the feeling of being confident in their own body. We can’t wait to be a part of your fitness journey!


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