Motivate Yourself – What Gets You Going?

Why do you work? To get paid. Why do you eat? Because you’re hungry. Why do you clean your house? You can’t stand the mess any longer.

Everything you do in life is motivated by something. When it comes to exercise, there must be something to motivate you as well. Even the promises of a healthy heart and weight loss aren’t enough to get many people motivated to work out.

So, if you’re having trouble finding the motivation to get up and moving try a few of the suggestions that the Monrovia boot camp came up with to help you get and stay motivated about your fitness.

Set GoalsMonrovia boot camp

A personal goal can be a powerful motivator. Great goals to work towards might be losing a certain number of pounds, lowering your blood pressure to a healthy range, being able to bench press a determined weight, or running a 5K.

Set a realistic, attainable goal. Write it down where you can see it on a regular basis as a reminder. Tell your family and friends so they can help keep you on track.

Keep Records

It’s a proven fact that keeping track of your weight will help you lose it. The best way to do this is through a food diary or an exercise log. Each day, keep track of the variables to affect your weight gain. These include how long and how hard you exercise and what you ate. Once a week weigh yourself to track your weight loss. Though it may be stagnant for a bit, keeping an eye on it will keep your weight from moving in the wrong direction.

Smart phone apps are another great way to record your food and exercise intake. Download an app that tracks your exercise and eating habits and keeping track will be possible no matter where you are.

Create a Contest

The TV show “The Biggest Loser” is a prime example of how competition can lead to a commitment to exercise. While a contest you create won’t promise large monetary rewards or fame, it may be fun, rewarding, and inspiring.

Find 5 to 10 friends or coworkers who want to work toward a similar goal. It could be losing the highest body weight percentage, walking the most steps each day, or logging the most time spent exercising. Set rules and then check in with each other on a weekly basis. Losers each week have to pay a certain fee. At the end of the set time, the winner gets the money.

Find a Partnerboot camp in Monrovia

Accountability when it comes to exercise ranks high on the list of motivators. It’s a lot harder to hit the snooze button when you know your friend is waiting for you at boot camp. Another great option is to work with a personal trainer who will offer advice, support, and accountability.

If nothing else, cyberspace can help keep you on track. The boot camp in Monrovia says one helpful tip is to update your progress on Facebook or another social media site and friends (or even friendly strangers) can encourage you toward your goal.

Make It An Investment

You don’t want to exercise out of guilt, but spending money on a boot camp membership, stylish workout clothes, and a personal trainer are great motivators to work out. When you know you’re spending hard earned money on your new habit, you can’t help but get to the gym.

So spend a little extra on workout clothes, shoes, and accessories you feel comfortable and attractive in. Buy enough outfits to last a week in case you get behind on laundry, and don’t let lack of clothes be an excuse.

If these ideas don’t motivate you to get active, it’s time to think of something that will. Maybe standing in front of a mirror naked will do the trick!

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